Customer service

At the heart of everything that we do is a focus on the customer. This is in all areas of our business, from the development of new projects to the support of those that are already in service.

This focus on the customer involves thinking about the customer needs, anticipating them where possible, and reacting to them when they are raised. We see ourselves as a long term partner of our customers and look to add value, highlighting areas they might not otherwise encounter, and sometimes coming back many years after our initial contact with pieces of advice.

This does not only just happen when everything is going well (happily the normal state for our projects). When projects do face issues, or incidents occur, then we have a relentless focus on good, clear, communication and resolving the problem with as much resource as is needed as quickly and efficiently as possible. After these incidents we then review each one to see how we can prevent them happening again and improve the customer experience if similar circumstances did occur again.