School commissioning services

In order to support schools, which are increasingly contracting external providers to deliver activities and services, Athium has developed a new tool – the online school commissioning support system.

As schools increasingly work with external providers, this tool provides schools Local Authorities and service providers themselves with a sophisticated way of sharing and managing information.

The system is a database, designed and developed for each participating Local Authority, which is accessed online through a website. The database is a searchable system of local and national providers, as approved and selected by the Local Authority.

Local authorities invite providers to have a “profile” on the database, which they update themselves and which is immediately available online. This means that schools have access to the latest and most accurate information about what providers are offering.

Schools can search the database for different types of activities or can browse provider profile pages to see what’s available. The system is secure, with a login access for both schools and providers.

The benefits of this newly developed system are numerous. For Local Authorities, it means no longer trying to produce directories of service providers for schools which are out of date as soon as they are printed. For schools, the up to the minute paperless system is easy to use and reliable and will give them access to a wide range of opportunities. For providers, the system gives greater visibility to schools and the ability to ensure that the information schools have about them is as up to date as possible.

Further benefits include:

For schools

  • Accurate and up to date information
  • Searchable information according to need
  • Accessible anywhere
  • Automatic provider contact system through the provider’s profile page
  • Guidance on how to use the system
  • Paperless system – nothing to put on the shelf and forget about!

Local authorities

  • Sophisticated tool to support school commissioning
  • Saves information collection, collation and updating time for LA staff
  • Accurate and up to date provision of support and information to schools
  • Management information on school preferences
  • Facility to update commissioning guidance for schools and upload documents
  • Quality control over providers advertising to schools
  • Secure login
  • Guaranteed website management including updates and hosting
  • Training and guidance documentation on how to manage the system

For providers

  • Able to update own information as needed in real time
  • Schools able to make contact directly and easily through the website
  • Increased visibility to schools
  • Improved business opportunities

If you would like more information or would like to arrange a demonstration of the system, please contact us.